Conversations 9: Amateur satellite intel with David Jorm

A growing group of amateur North Korea watchers is using free and commercially available satellite data to change our view of the hermit kingdom. Continue reading
A growing group of amateur North Korea watchers is using free and commercially available satellite data to change our view of the hermit kingdom. Continue reading
Electronic voting is far from being the cure for election fraud and voter error, as the University of Melbourne’s Dr Vanessa Teague points out. Continue reading
A brief conversation with Greens Senator Scott Ludlam recorded at the Ruxcon 2013 security conference provides an excuse to discuss the Attorney-General’s appointment of a former ASIO director-general as his chief of staff. Continue reading
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are cheap and easy to do, and they’re getting more powerful. Michael Smith, head of Akamai Technologies’ computer security incident response team (CSIRT) explains why. Continue reading
“Networks are living and breathing things. They don’t sit still. Your vulnerabilities will change on a daily basis, for sure, and you need to be on top of that,” says Dick Bussiere, principal architect for Tenable Network Security in the Asia Pacific region. Continue reading
Dr Kerry Hinton from the Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) explains why constant wireless connectivity to cloud services could be a huge energy problem. Continue reading
Peter Coffee, vice-president and head of platform research at, explains why cloud computing is inevitable, and how “big data” will transform everything. Continue reading
Sean Richmond, senior technology consultant with Sophos Australia and New Zealand, discusses personalised malware, and why cyberwar and advanced persistent threats (APTs) are over-hyped. Continue reading
The first Corrupted Nerds: Extra podcast is the speech in which Senator Brett Mason coined the phrase “corrupted nerds”, from 21 August 2012. Continue reading
Eugene Kaspersky, founder and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, presents a distinctly Russian perspective on cyberwar, cyber sabotage, cyber espionage, all the cybers! Continue reading