Corrupted Nerds is now available on iTunes

Corrupted Nerds is now listed in Apple’s iTunes store, making it easier to subscribe for those of you using the Fruity Devices. Continue reading
Corrupted Nerds is now listed in Apple’s iTunes store, making it easier to subscribe for those of you using the Fruity Devices. Continue reading
Peter Coffee, vice-president and head of platform research at, explains why cloud computing is inevitable, and how “big data” will transform everything. Continue reading
Sean Richmond, senior technology consultant with Sophos Australia and New Zealand, discusses personalised malware, and why cyberwar and advanced persistent threats (APTs) are over-hyped. Continue reading
Corrupted Nerds will cover the NSA eventually, when there’s something new to say. Meanwhile, here’s what Stilgherrian has written so far. Continue reading
The first Corrupted Nerds: Extra podcast is the speech in which Senator Brett Mason coined the phrase “corrupted nerds”, from 21 August 2012. Continue reading
Eugene Kaspersky, founder and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, presents a distinctly Russian perspective on cyberwar, cyber sabotage, cyber espionage, all the cybers! Continue reading
Well, like all good ships, Corrupted Nerds is being launched before everything is completely ready. Welcome. And mind your step. Continue reading
If you’ve stumbled across this website, there’s two things you need to know. Right now it’s “under construction”. But before the Moon is Full tonight, it’ll deliver the Corrupted Nerds podcast that Stilgherrian has spoken about. Continue reading
If you’ve stumbled across this website, there’s two things you need to know. Right now it’s very much “under construction”. But eventually it’ll deliver the Corrupted Nerds podcast that Stilgherrian has spoken about. Continue reading