• Information, power, security and all the cybers in a global internet revolution that’s changing... everything

Conversations 2: Sean Richmond, Sophos

Sean Richmond, Sophos ANZSean Richmond, senior technology consultant with Sophos Australia and New Zealand, discusses personalised malware, and why cyberwar and advanced persistent threats (APTs) are over-hyped.

This interview was recorded on 6 June 2013 in Sydney, Australia.

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Episode Notes

A Patch Monday podcast episode debunking the cyberwar hype. This was the episode that Sean Richmond alluded to.

Previous Patch Monday podcast conversations on the militarisation of information security, the Blackhole malware construction toolkit and how it’s here to stay.

If you think we’ve missed anything, do let us know.

[Website feature image: Sean Richmond talking about Conficker. Original photo by Sophos Labs. Digital manipulation by Stilgherrian. Corrupted Nerds theme: Created by Stilgherrian from cyberSound by mikobunto, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license; and “Transparencies from the Outer Regions II” by Paddee and Thee, Juice Records.]

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3 Responses to Conversations 2: Sean Richmond, Sophos

  1. Sean says:

    A mea culpa. The paper I mentioned about cyberwar is from Thomas Rid, reader in war studies at Kings College Oxford.

    “Cyber war will not take place” which is now a book.

  2. Stilgherrian says:

    Thanks, Sean. And one of the links above, the one to debunking the cyberwar hype, is an interview with Thomas Rid. I hope to catch up with him again soon, given that the cyber war hype has been rising.

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